Whether launching your small business online, or beginning an Internet marketing campaign, choosing a website URL – or domain name – is one of the first, really important decisions you will make. As a word of caution, do not underestimate the long-term value of your choice. Consider how your domain name will communicate to and influence consumers when they are exposed to it, whether it be through traditional or digital media.

Although there are many important considerations when selecting a domain name, the three most important things for you to consider are:

  1. Branding
  2. Location
  3. Length

Branding | Recognize and Recall

To be easily recognized by customers, no matter where they are exposed to your brand, you must be consistent with your branding. By turning every link into a promotion for your brand, a branded domain increases brand awareness, establishes trust, and encourages engagement.

Given that your domain will be used to direct consumers to your website from other properties on the Internet, as well traditional media like television, radio and print, it is important to make your URL easy for your audience to recognize. Your final decision on a domain name should clearly communicate information related to you, your business, products, and/or services.

Aside from including your business or brand name in your new domain, you may consider adding a descriptive word to eliminate any chance of ambiguity. For example, if your company name was Clarke’s, you should choose a more descriptive domain name that clearly differentiates you from other businesses or brands with a similar name.

Choosing a branded domain name makes it much more likely that consumers will remember your URL after being exposed to it. As you can imagine, this is extremely important when someone wishes to contact you, or would like to share your information with people they know.

Location | Confidence and Appeal

Because the .com domain is the most widely recognized domain extension, if it is available, you should purchase it. If your business serves only local clientele, and/or a country-specific audience, a geographically relevant domain extension; such as .ca, .us, .in, co.uk may be more appropriate for you to display.

When it is displayed in search results, consumers will (most often) recognize their country-specific extension. This increases the appeal of your business, because it is considered “local” to them. In some instances, this proximity instills more confidence in people who are apprehensive about making a purchase from companies located “overseas.”

Length | Short and Easy

When choosing a domain name, size matters. The shorter the length, the better. The general “rule of thumb” when selecting a domain is 15 characters, including the extension.

The 15 character limit is simply a guideline that encourages the choice of a domain name that contains one or two words. There is nothing that says you cannot exceed the 15 character threshold, or that you will be penalized by search engines if you choose a domain with 16, 17, or 20 characters. However, by following the guideline, it ensures that your final domain name choice is easy to remember, easy to share, and much less likely to be misspelled.

Choosing Your Domain Name URL

You should not discount the importance of your domain name. It is the foundation of your digital marketing presence. Make every effort to choose a URL that will work in partnership with other digital assets, to support your company’s initiatives online and offline. Take the time to carefully consider your business’ direction and long-term goals, when making your final decision on a domain name.

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